It's sad to say but I decided that I'm going to go back to brown hair for when school starts. I love my purple, I truly, truly, do. But it's a lot to keep up with because the roots always fade, and it's very damaging. I think it will just be best if I go back to brown and leave it alone for awhile. I'll miss it a lot, but I'm doing what's best for my hair. God, it sounds like I'm leaving somebody.
More than anything I want fake nails. I want them to look fake, too. They must have pretty flowers and jewels! But only a medium length. Long nails would look scary on me. They will be light pink and maybe purple. Oh, I am soooo excited! Who knows if I'll even get them, but that doesn't matter right now because just thinking of them makes me happy! Then I get sad because I think about my bindis, and how I lost them. I had a little bag filled with four packs of bindis, and I don't know where my little bag is. My room is a complete disaster, so I'm sure they're in here somewhere, but I'm still so sad thinking about them
You know what else makes me sad? Mortal Kombat. That's one of my favorite games ever, but I tried to play on Story Mode and I got to the last level (I think? I hope.) and I can't beat the Shao Kahn with Raiden. I couldn't even estimate how many times my boyfriend, my step-dad, and I have tried to beat him. We just keep playing over and over until they won't let me play anymore because I get so upset. Video games make me very emotional. My step-dad said he would buy me a head set for Call of Duty; Black Ops because he thinks it's funny when I yell at people, so it MUST be even funnier if they could hear me yelling. I admit, I would love them to hear me yelling. Sometimes they just don't get the message if i knife them or other crazy shit i do to them to get on their nerves because they don't know how to
fucking play a game correctly. Now, I'm definitely not saying that I'm the best player out there, but I know what to do well enough and I know common curtesy.
I hate advertising myself on other websites. Like, when someone makes a status "Follow me on twitter!" or stuff like that. Sure, I will put up a link if you so CHOOSE to want to find my other accounts on other social networking websites, but I don't really feel comfortable shoving it in people's faces. I don't even have a link to my blog on my Twitter, but I'm thinking about putting it there. Right now there's a link to my Tumblr on there, but if they come here, they will find a link to my Tumblr. Not that I need people I know following my Tumblr. I'm not even sure if I want people who know me to see my blog. Decisions, decisions. Give me a few days and I will have my mind made up! Not that it really matters. Maybe it does. But for now, I'm telling myself it doesn't.
I have something very important to say and I probably won't even go into that much detail. I am against drugs. I don't do drugs, and I don't drink. I understand if maybe people are having a big party, or on New Years Eve want to smoke or drink a little, okay whatever. But doing hardcore drugs and other stuff all the time, like every day or every weekend, it's just too much. You don't know what you're consuming. You don't know if your body can handle it. You really don't know anything about what you are about to put into your body except for that it is probably going to make you feel different. Different good or different bad?
You don't know. People take so much risk and put their faith into something that shouldn't hold their trust. Most people do it to fit in. They think it's a social thing. fuck you, and what you think you need to do for others. And if anyone tries to convince me to do some drugs, fuck them, friend or not. That's wrong. Someone who's like "You don't do drugs? Wow you're lame," or "Hey, why don't you do drugs anymore? That's ignorant. They aren't that bad. Just do some with me. Don't act like that," are just as ignorant and aggravating as those who judge people because they DO do drugs. Just leave people alone.