Sunday, December 2, 2012

deranged, we've all been through some shit

You might think that because I have a blog, I have something interesting to say, and interesting things to say come from experience. Yes, I have some experience. BUT I'M NOT AS EXCITING AS YOU THINK. I thought high schoolers were supposed to party all the time and be promiscuous and have crippling drug and/or alcohol addictions. I don't and have none of those things.  I just like to spend money on cute clothes and nose rings. The shopping part is normal, I guess. At least for girls. Have you ever seen my room? It's filled with pandas. I sleep with a blue blanket I've had since I was little. I'm not a downright bitch to my mom all the time. I enjoy spending my time watching Ugly Betty, reading, knitting, and sitting by myself outside. I look back at this, and I can't decide if I've failed or succeeded as a teenager. If I go by what's around me, I'd say that I've failed. But when I really think about it, I'm fucking #1 in this damn race. Seriously? I am so proud of myself. There's no point in getting worked up over silly things like a lot of girls do. I'm so happy with simple things. I don't always need something in front of my face to be satisfied. Why do people get bored if they aren't completely absorbed in what they're doing? I'm content with just sitting around with friends. Maybe it's because me and my friends are just really funny. We talked about it, and we came to the conclusion that we should have our own reality show on some television channel.

Seriously this is us in a nutshell. Look at me with my prostitute lookin' ass. That's just what we do. Dress up like we have mental disorders then fight. It sounds like a good life to me. Also, in that last picture, Olivia is drinking Orange juice and Shani is drinking coconut milk (So much better than coconut water, I've discovered.) I'm mad Shani is in all the pictures, but ohwell! It doesn't make her more important than anyone! Just.. always in the action. yes definitely. Some people like to chase what they think they're supposed to want. I don't chase shit because I've got all I want. Well, not materialistically. I really want Creepers, but that's a different subject and completely irrelevant for what I was talking about. Sorry I ruined the mood. If I could go back and change how my life panned out, I wouldn't change most of it. I'M JUST BEING REALISTIC. There ARE some things I would change. Then again, if I changed them, I would not have gained the life experience I did. Either way, I've had some not-so-fun times in my life. That's just how shit goes, though. You can't be happy all the time and you're life isn't going to just be perfect all the time. If it was perfect at first, it'd suck later because you wouldn't have grown up then people would shun you when you became an adult. So either way, life sucks sometimes. Or all the time, depending if you're a pessimist. If so, I suggest seeing someone about that. If a therapist doesn't help you, you either need medication or seriously you just really suck.

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