Friday, September 7, 2012

I'm dreaming somebody would simply come and kidnap me

I'm pretty sure every single one of my teachers knows I'd rather be reading than paying attention in class. I'm definitely that kid. Any chance where I can pick up my book for even a second, I will. There's a slight problem with this, though, because I'm very emotional in books and movies and I'm currently reading My Sister's Keeper. I've almost started crying twice in school. To be honest, I don't think I would care that much if I started crying in class. I'd just be like "I'm fine. It's just so sadddd!" Like, why should I care what they think? I already told damnear everyone who asks me about my books that I'm really emotional. So it's not like I'm trying to hide anything. It's also like how I suck my thumb. I am less than a month away from being 16, yet I have no intentions of stopping. I will openly suck my thumb whenever the urge appears. Why does it affect anyone else what I do? I just don't care at all. Sure, sometimes I care what people think, but not most of the time. I fuckin' wear bindis and purple lipstick and my septum ring to school.
Does anyone even like people they go to school with? I used to like them. Then I realized how annoying everyone is and how I'm not much of a people person at all.

Something really funny happened at lunch this week. I made a peach tart for my friends, and I invited my most favoritest teacher ever over and asked if he wanted some. He went and got a fork and then asked if he needed to know about anything that was in it. I totally didn't understand what he was trying to say because I was like "Well, there's brown sugar and cinnamon and-" that's where he cut me off and asked "is there any MARIJUANA in it?" The two boys I sit with just cracked up and I was like "NOOOOO." He still didn't eat any of the crust though. The question is, actually there are a lot of questions; Why would I tell him there was weed in it? Why would I even WANT him to try it if there was weed in it? WHY WOULD I BRING IT TO SCHOOL?? He is dumbb!

I really just had to think of stuff to say because I wanted to post something. ack

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