Tuesday, January 15, 2013

the best things in life are free, but you can give them to the birds and bees

I actually have nothing serious I want to talk about today. What a refreshing change! I should be studying since it's Finals week, but I can't really bring myself to study for any of my classes on my own time. Not that I'm alone on that nasty habit.

I have a bit of advice on buying something that is a little pricey for your budget (especially if it's makeup..) REVIEW THAT SHIT FIRST. I swear I always end up buying expensive makeup that costs wayyyy too much. One time I bought a $30 Too Faced Natural Eye eyeshadow palette and let me tell you that shit barely stays on. I guess I've never tried it with my Too Faced eye shadow primer (dat is good) so maybe I should do that. But so I've been told after I buy this expensive palette, Too Faced is known more for their foundation. WELL. That would've helped me beforehand, wouldn't it have? If I had been a little wiser about things, I would have looked up reviews on what I was interested. But as Ellie Goulding put is so elegantly, "I know that you've been burned, but every fire is a lesson learned." And AIN'T that the truth??? Yes, it is! I feel like I'm having a show like PeeWee and that was my lesson for the day or something. (And the word of the day is "Kissmyass".) For some people, $30 may be nothing. They drop it on the street and go "oh," then walk away. That is not me! I do not want to waste that kind of money, but I mean hey, I learned from it. Also I have a confession to make, it may or may not have been my mom's money. I'm not saying that to be witty, I literally do not remember which one of us bought it. The whole lesson here is; You have a computer, right? Then look up reviews on something you're really interested in buying. Or ask a friend! I have stacks on stacks on stacks *YC voice* of Elle magazines, I'm sure I'm bound to find a review of something in there. Even if I'm just looking up reviews in general just for the knowledge. Something I will say, though, if you are one of those people that can just drop $30 on the street, then try it out yourself. If you don't like it, ohwell. Give it to a friend. Give it to your mom. Use it on your little brother (or sister.)

I spend too much of my time gandering at clothes I cannot afford. Don't you think that is a little bit depressing? I'd say so. (Damn I seriously just typed that really fast, even on my broken keyboard.) I thought to myself, "self, why don't you learn to sew?" Why! I am quite good at these ideas! Oh wait, I think I've tried that before. (not really.) and I don't want to try again. Okay actually the real reason is because I don't know how to put the spool on the sewing machine. That shit is confusing. One time when I was little I asked my mom if I tried out for project runway would they teach me how to sew? She said "I don't think so." She was right.

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