Saturday, February 5, 2011

and this will be our best song ever.

I don't like it when all my friends leave me out of all the different plans of the day, but I like what becomes of it.
  • I catch up on putting stuff in my little Memory Book thing mabob.
  • I write down all my dreams I was too lazy to write down the days I had them
  • I draw nice stuff.
See all that? doesn't all that sound nice? Yes. I catch up on so much, and get Sydney Time. Everyone needs time to themselves to bring out themselves. Whenever you're with someone else, you have influence, and even them just being there, you may think differently. But when you're by yourself, there's no one there to be scared of (unless of course you have Schizophrenia, or can see ghosts. Then you're doomed. Or just take your goddamn medication.) But for real, looking at things, thinking, or creating by yourself makes such a difference. I really like listening to music when I'm by myself, too, because it fills empty space and makes me more comfortable. 

I've been thinking a lot, and I really don't like pop culture. I just want to do me, but so many people try to fit into pop culture, that you get judged for doing you. Get off my dick. Be your goddamn self. And some people even try to be 'different' by saying they listen to a certain band, or shop at a certain store, or dye their hair a certain color. But in the end, they're still trying to conform to something. I think you're truly different when you don't try to conform to anything. Which can be hard, I know, but some of the coolest people are the ones who were made fun of when they were younger for being themselves. I'm going to look at this later and think, I should take my own advice. I'm myself to an extent, but if I hang out with the same people too much,.. it goes downhill. I need some more Sydney time.

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