Thursday, December 23, 2010

He's a Well Respected man around town.

I think I would like Urban Outfitters more, if it wasn't so expensive. It's kind of a hipster store if you think about it.. You pay so much to look like you payed so little. YES, some of their stuff is SUPER cute! But I don't think I could bring myself to pay my money on that. I think I would even feel bad if my mom paid for it. 

I guess maybe I could say the same about Modcloth. But I feel there is a difference between the two. Modcloth can be cheap-ER (than U.O.) There are shirts and skirts and dresses on Modcloth that would be wayyyy more expensive at Urban Outfitters. *sigh*. I think Modcloth is cuter, anyways.

I kind of really hate it when you're on your Mac, and there's a word it doesn't recognize and it puts the red squiggly line under it. I know, sometimes it can be REALLY helpful, but other time, I KNOW I spelled it wrong, or it's a title/name. when it's a title or name, that just makes me mad. It shouldn't have the squiggly line if the word's first letter is a capital. Well, actually that causes problems with the beginning of the sentence. I just wish it could read my mind. Just kidding. I hate technology. Let's build a time machine, go back to the 50s, destroy the time machine, and just live. We'll live through some of my favorite stages in Fashion. 50s and 60s. :'] I just think the 60s are silly! 

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