Sunday, November 21, 2010

I saw it twice.

Yes, I saw a UFO twice in two days, it was stereotypically big and round with shiny lights. Not really. I saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt. 1 twice. First, just let me get this over with, I don't like that pt. 2 comes out in July! It should come out in January, or February, but July is just too late! Now that that is out, I definitely was very satisfied with the movie. It was pretty close to the book, THE closest to the book, so far. There are a few things they've gotten wrong or just didn't show, but it doesn't bother me that much. It was well put together, and I cried. ohmygod, I cried. I don't know if that really says much since movies often make me cry, but honestly, I'm a little scared for pt. 2. It's going to be intense, and I'm going to cry so hard. I cried a lot in the BOOK, actually seeing it will be worse. I think a lot of Harry Potter fans cried in the last book. If you didn't, I congratulate you on being strong! I especially liked the Tale of the Three Brothers. It was different. When the Horcrux was open, and Ron saw Hermione and Harry, I thought Hermoine looked beautiful. Not to say she isn't anyway, but how she looked wet, shiny, silver and airbrushed(Picnik styled airbrush), I thought looked really stunning. (that sounds so inappropriate..)

Emma Watson is into fashion now. I've seen her in Burberry ads and in pictures up at a Burberry store. I think she looks good, and Burberry fits her. She wanted to be a part of Chanel, but that didn't happen. OHWELL. I like Emma Watson.

Emma Watson making it work. ;]

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