Tuesday, September 3, 2013

You know I know when it's a dream.

Imagine me on Twitter, per usual, then seeing a friend of mine and some of her school friends going on a rampage of "culture appreciation" and that's why they don't wear bindis anymore. First of all, women in India don't even use bindis as a sign of marriage or anything anymore. It's just a part of their culture! How can someone tell me I'm in the wrong for looking at another culture, liking what they do, and trying it out myself? I looked it up before I started wearing them. Gwen Stefani did it, HELLLOOOOO. Is it seriously that big of a deal? First of all, these girls talking about this are not of any Indian decent. They are straight white living in the middle of Indiana. What do they know? My friend had an Indian girl from her school give her bindis that she doesn't wear anymore. I think people just like to make a big deal out of nothing. I see no issues here. Who are they to say what another country is feeling? Did anyone even tell them this idea of "don't wear bindis because of culture appreciation"? Where did it even come from? I literally have so many questions. And I was honestly being kind of a bitch about it on Twitter. I brought up the fact that Ancient Egytians started using makeup as a class symbol and other shit. So, therefore, they need to wipe all that makeup off their face due to "culture appreciation" to the Ancient Egyptians. I just see no point of this other than to start drama. There are other ways people violate "culture appreciation". I don't know what else I have to say.

It hurts my heart a little bit how Feminism is becoming a fashion statement. I know a lot of girls who claim to be all about girl power, and that they're Bi. Well, I actually was sitting at the lunch table in school one day, when the topic of a not very nice girl got brought up, and my friend said, "One of my friends had sex with her and said she's really hairy." Then they proceeded to talk about how that was weird. Me, being the person I am, spoke up and said, "I don't think it really matters. If she doesn't want to shave she doesn't have to." WELL. HERE'S WHERE THINGS GET CRAZY. The proclaimed feminist said, "Oh I totally agree. But I think it's okay if you're trying to make a statement. If you're just lazy then you need to get it together." IS. DIS. A. JOKE. What is the point of making a statement if not for a cause?? That's the kind of statement you can only make if you're going to be throwing your vagina at people. If you want to, whatever, but you shouldn't be tossing that thing around just to make a statement that has no backup because you don't even believe in the backup. Some people make no sense. I think I made an argumentative point, then shut my goddamn mouth because I wanted nothing further of the conversation. The supposed feminist is a nice girl, I'm just now concerned that other females might feel this way as well. If so, we're fucked. It defeats the point of being a feminist and makes a mockery of it. The point is for women to have equal rights and a say in what they want to do with their body. Not to be criticized for doing what they want by another feminist because she's not doing it to make a "statement".

I give up on life.