Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Where's North from here?

I've been away for a week. If you have kept up with my blog, and have a feel for my personality, I dare you to close your eyes right now and take a guess where I was. dfkjjdkjkdn,kjsdflgbhsdfg (That was so you couldn't see the immediate answer.) Hopefully you all guessed some sort of Fashion Week. That would warm my heart, but that would be incorrect! I was at Jesus Camp. I went with this group at my school called Young Life, who I don't normally associate with. A week before I departed (two weeks ago) I was convinced by a friend to go, and I'm so glad I did. I met some great people, got closer to friends I'd fallen from, and had oodles of fun. It was on this beautiful lake with a shiton of water excitements. What's the actual word for those things? Like the blobs and rope swings and kayaking and tubing? I had all the free time during the day to play frisbee, or nap, or play gaga (and many other things I chose not to do.) We did camp competitions after breakfast. My school's group was so big that we always made our own team, instead of partnering up with other schools to make a team. After dinner went to this building for "Club" where we watched skits and sang and played games on stage. Then a man named Kevin came in to preach the "word" to us. That is the moment of each day when my mood went from Nigel Thornberry to Michael Kors in like two seconds. Instead of having fun in all the mac n cheese like the majority of the day, I threw up all the bologna shoved down my throat. He told us it was a sin to "do you". Umm, pretty sure "do you" is my life motto. We're not allowed to go and find ourselves because ourselves are God. I respect all religions, but I'm just glad I'm not apart of it. I threw in my opinions during Cabin Time, but I never wanted to make any of those kids lose their faith in God. They tried their best to explain Christianity to me, I'm sure in the process they hoped I'd find God, but I don't think they were offended I never did, nor will. I did have some people say iffy things, like telling my my opinions were a "start", as in a start to turning into a Christian, which I didn't appreciate. Nothing I can/could/will ever say will change the way that person feels. Which, is honestly a little sad because I wish the world would just respect everyone's opinions, even if it's not their own.
   I got the chance to ask the preacher man, Kevin, a couple questions. (So did others.) He brought up how man and woman are to be the only ones in a marriage, and that pre-marital sex is a sin. Guess what? All sins are the same in God's eyes, so basically if I have pre-marital sex it's as if I murdered 6 million people (shouts out to Hitler). Another boy asked about reincarnation, the preacher man laughed off the question. I approached the boy later and told him I think it's okay to believe in something that's not a part of the bible. I believe people have the choice, and he agreed. He thanked me for reassuring him. I felt terrible for how his question was laughed off. I want others to feel good about their beliefs even if they aren't the same as mine.